Get Started With IoT

So how do you get started with the Internet of Things (IoT)? One thing for sure, is to surround yourself with the right people and actually start getting involved in discussions on the topic. The other “must” for learning about all of the IoT, is not to be embarrassed by what you don’t know -- yet.

1. A great place to learn all about IoT, is Eclipse. This site is an amazing open source community of Tools, Projects and Collaborative Working Groups.

2. There are hundreds of articles on the internet to help you. Here's one to get you started with a better understanding of IoT. "5 things to get started on the Internet of... Things."

3. If you want to go a bit more in-depth, a book you may enjoy reading: Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud (Make: Projects).

4. You will be amazed at the resources you can now find on almost any subject on YouTube. Check out this lecture, for free. "Introduction to Internet of Things."

5. Get yourself on the Helium platform. Helium is basically a tool that allows you to easily build IoT stuff. According to themselves -- and they say it pretty well -- “You’ll cut 10 years off your IoT implementation." As you look on the internet, there are other offerings for IoT. These are just my initial suggestions.

The key to getting as great as you want to be with IoT, (or to at least get better than you are currently), is to stay curious, enjoy the ride, and keep looking for sources of information -- but mostly, actually start trying stuff!