Grow Fast & Grow Big

We had the pleasure of chatting with Suresh Kalpathi, a serial entrepreneur turned venture capitalist on the 16th of December. He was the perfect mix of funny, informative, and humbleness (despite his background)!

Some of the key highlights of the session were: (full video can be seen here)

  • Identify the next opportunity, the ideas that will make money are those that solve pain points for people - are these already happening, or yet to happen?

  • Look at building a good team from early on and giving them incentives such as stock options to make them more invested in the company's growth

  • Ride the wave - but know when to get off. It is always good to grow along with the industry, but all industries have a peak, and ensure that you do not go past that into the valley!

  • Look at the risk - reward, and how much money you need to invest versus how much return you can likely get

  • Do one thing and do it well - diversify only into related fields that make sense, and not for the sake of it

The full video can be seen here:
