Startup Grind Austin Welcomes Hugh Forrest, Director SXSW Interactive

From its humble beginnings as a two-day “SXSW Film and Multimedia Conference” in 1994, SXSW Interactive has split from the SXSW Film conference and grown to a 4-day event that attracted nearly 25,000 attendees from 72 countries in 2012.

Hugh Forrest has been with the festival since the beginning, in fact, he started working with SXSW Music in 1989.  Come to a Fireside chat with Hugh Forrest, Thursday September 20th at Cospace Austin.  The networking starts at 6pm and the chat starts at 7pm.  Get your tickets here.

While conferences like SXSW and tech startups might not seem alike on the surface, there are striking similarities in the challenges that SXSW Interactive has faced on its road to becoming an international success.   Come listen as Hugh talks about growing from a staff of 4 to 25, iterating the product to find the one that resonates with their customers and learning to focus on the value that really matters.

In 2009 SXSW added “SXSW Accelerator” and 2013 marks the fifth time this competition will be held.  We will also discuss the competition, how to apply and the prizes.

Any questions for Hugh? Email