Startup Grind Cape Town: South African Entrepreneurship Unplugged

Starting your own business is exciting, challenging, freeing but mostly scary.

To try and minimize that little voice that keeps telling you not to take the risk, you tend to read every entrepreneurial book you can lay your hands on. When I was asked to attend an event organized by StartUp Grind Cape Town, I didn’t know what to expect. All I was told was that it was a monthly event held for entrepreneurs. Upon entering the venue at The Townhouse Hotel in Cape Town, I couldn’t help but feel excited.

The energy in the room was electric and everywhere people were greeting each other as if they we’re all part of this “Big Thing” that was about to take place and they could barely contain their excitement. After networking over some snacks and drinks we all entered the main room and took our seats. On stage there were two seats to the left and in the middle, a big screen. My initial thought was; this is the point where we are going to be subjected to yet another power point presentation, as is the case with so many “entrepreneurial” events. Boy, was I wrong. After a short welcome by Guillaume de Smedt, director of StartUp Grind Cape Town, he introduced Jodi Aufrichtig, co founder of the very successful Daddy Brand.

An informal, interactive interview followed and for the next hour it was as if everyone in the room was having a conversation with Jodi and picking his brain. He told us about how they started the business, mistakes they had learned from, obstacles they overcame and practical tips for fellow entrepreneurs. On the big screen, members of the audience could tweet their questions to Jodi and the conversation would flow from there. More networking followed and I left feeling exhilarated and extremely impressed with the StartUp Grind concept.

This is not just another event for entrepreneurs, this is THE event every entrepreneur should attend for practical and realistic tips on how to become successful. Learn from those who risked it, lost it, tried again and achieved success. Startup Grind also gives you the opportunity to network with like minded individuals because no business can be successful without a network of connections.

And the “Big Thing”…. It is that little idea brewing in your head right now.

By Carmen Thompson (Freelance Marketing Consultant & Copywriter)