Startup Grind is coming to Montreal!

French Post

Get excited! The legendary Startup Grind is coming to our wonderful bilingual city of Montreal. We are very excited to be announcing the inaugural event with Greg Isenberg, Founder and CEO of 5By on November 21st, 2013 at 6PM.


5By is one of Montreal’s hottest startup that is having incredible growth and was recently acquired by Silicon Valley legend StumbleUpon. 5by scours the internet for the best videos, and hand-delivers the ones you want to watch. It’s curated, free, and awesome. Greg is a frequent speaker in the Montreal circuit, come meet him personally and learn about his journey through the various startups he has founded.

We aren’t just famous for our summer festivals, poutine, and maple syrup. Montreal has a burgeoning startup scene soon bound to be among the best in the world. The Notman House, a mansion in the downtown core gifted to the Montreal tech community, plays host to a series of increasingly impressive startups and is run by a top notch accelerator, FounderFuel. With its unique bilingual city status in all of North America, Montreal is home to incredible companies that have revolutionized their industries or simply created them out of thin air.

- Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented the snowmobile to enhance snow travel across Quebec.

- Guy Laliberte started Cirque du Soleil to complete change circus arts across the world.

- Sid Lee has completely upended the advertising and marketing agencies of the world.

The startup scene in Montreal is expanding with tens of events every month such as Entrepreneurs Anonymous, Startup Drinks, Montreal New Tech, Startup Weekends, Founder Dating, and more. What makes Startup Grind Montreal special is us bringing the wisest minds of the Quebec business community to share their business insights and entrepreneurial stories.

Join us at Startup Grind Montreal for a monthly forum to grow your personal and professional skills so you and your startup can change Montreal and the world!

Our community is here and reserve tickets for the kick-off event here. We’re actively seeking local and global sponsors who share our core values of educating, inspiring, and connecting. You can also help us out by suggesting speakers, venues, and people you think we should connect too.

Like our facebook page and follow us on twitter.