Jul 7, 2017, 10:30 AM – 2:00 PM (UTC)


NakedHub, @ Jiuxianqiao, B4, No.14 Jiuxianqiao Rd, C&W Industrial Park,Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路14号兆维工业园B4楼裸心谷, Beijing, 10000

Building an AI Company from Nothing Tak Lo is director at Techstars London. Techstars is one of the pioneers of the startup accelerator movement. The accelerator has on its team Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn and Jon Bradford, the former managing director of Techstars London. Tak Lo是Techstars London的总监。Techstars是创业加速器运动中的先行者。Skype的联合创始人Jaan Tallinn和Techstars伦敦的前总经理都曾是这个加速器团队中的一员。

In-person event

About this event

Building an AI Company from Nothing

Tak Lo is director at Techstars London. Techstars is one of the pioneers of the startup accelerator movement. The accelerator has on its team Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn and Jon Bradford, the former managing director of Techstars London.

Tak Lo是Techstars London的总监。Techstars是创业加速器运动中的先行者。Skype的联合创始人Jaan Tallinn和Techstars伦敦的前总经理都曾是这个加速器团队中的一员。

Tak Lo is creating startup leaders in Asia. He is a also Partner at Zeroth, an AI/ML-focused early stage funding program. The accelerator is named after zero-based numbering, which is basically a way of numbering that starts from zero (as opposed to one, which we normally use when counting things). Zero-based numbering is commonly used in computer programming. Previously, he sourced, invested, and mentored companies in the $3mn Techstars London seed fund. He has worked with over 50 companies from the Asian, European, and NYC startup communities angel investing, founding, and mentoring startups, including Eleven Aceletator, Techstars, Spark Labs, Plug and Play, Upscale, etc. Tak started his career in the US Army. He graduated from the London Business School and the University of Chicago.

Tak Lo也专注于发掘亚洲创业领袖,在一个专注于人工智能和机器学习的早期投资项目Zeroth中担任合伙人。这个加速器的名字源于英文中从0(zero)数起的计数方法(不同于我们通常从1数起的计数习惯)。这一方法通常用于计算机编程中。Tak曾在Techstars伦敦的3百万美元种子基金项目中创立和投资企业以及以导师的身份参与其中,通过这些方式Tak已经与来自亚洲、欧洲和纽约超过50家的创业企业完成合作,包括Eleven Aceletator、Techstars、Spark Labs、Plug and Play和Upscale等等。Tak毕业于伦敦商学院和芝加哥大学,他的职业生涯起步于美国军队。

“There’s a ton of vernacular about Skynet – which is bollocks. We can harness AI’s superpower by empowering founders with AI,” says Tak Lo.


About Techstars

Techstars helps entrepreneurs succeed. Through the Techstars Worldwide Entrepreneur Network, founders and their teams connect with other entrepreneurs, experts, mentors, alumni, investors, community leaders, and corporate partners who will help their companies grow.


Techstars operates four divisions: Techstars Startup Programs, Techstars Mentorship-Driven Accelerator Programs, Techstars Corporate Innovation Partnerships, and the Techstars Venture Capital Fund. Techstars Mentorship-Driven Accelerator Program supercharges success and Techstars Startup Programs inspire, educate and connect entrepreneurs. Techstars Venture Capital Fund invests in the most innovative and disruptive Techstars companies to fuel their success. Techstars Corporate Innovation Partnerships helps brands create world-changing products and services. Techstars accelerator portfolio includes more than 1,000 companies with a market cap of $8.1 billion.



About Zeroth.ai

Zeroth.ai is a new startup accelerator in Hong Kong, and it is focusing on applications from artificial intelligence (AI) startups throughout Asia. AI, which includes machine learning and deep learning, looks to become the next hot sector in tech. Leading tech companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are racing to build smarter applications that learn by themselves, using neural networks. As AI advances and more open source tools become available, startups will come up with creative and unexpected solutions. Zeroth hopes to be play a part in helping them succeed.


Zeroth.ai is now open for the Z02 program until June 15, 2017. Accepted startups will receive $120,000USD in total financing as well as mentorship from our venture partners.



Event Info | 活动信息

English for the fireside chat, Chinese & English for networking


Time: July 7th (Friday), 2017, 6:30PM-10:00PM


Location: NakedHub @ Jiuxianqiao, B4, No.14 Jiuxianqiao Rd, C&W Industrial Park,Chaoyang District, Beijing


Agenda | 活动安排

6:30pm 签到 & 茶歇 Sign-in, Welcome Drink & Food

7:30pm 炉边谈话 Fireside Chat with Tak Lo

8:30pm 自由讨论 & 社交环节 Drinks, Food & Networking

Free flow beer is provided ;) 活动现场免费啤酒无限量供应 ;)

Admission | 费用

普通票:60元(截止至7月6日) | Regular: 60RMB (Available until July 6th)

现场票(活动当日购买):100元 | At-the-door: 100RMB

*If you are having trouble RSVPing at this page, please email: jelte@startupgrind.com or contact him on WeChat (jeltew).


We offer free tickets(only 3) to founders of startups and free entrance for media, please apply for that via email jelte@startupgrind.com or WeChat(jeltew).


Please click “Read more” for registration!


About Startup Grind

Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 400,000 founders in over 200 cities. We nurture startup ecosystems in 85 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs. The cornerstone of our global community are monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind has now hosted 2,000 fireside chats since its founding in 2010. To date, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and employees, pursue funding, and reach new users.

Startup Grind是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球85个国家、超过200个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善。每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经举办了2,000多次炉边谈话,成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。

Our Values | 我们的价值理念

We believe in making friends, not contacts. We believe in giving, not taking. We believe in helping others before helping yourself. We are truly passionate about helping founders, entrepreneurs and startups succeed. We intend to make their startup journey less lonely, more connected and more memorable.


Check out what happened


  • Tak Lo

    Techstars London


10:30 AM签到 & 茶歇 Sign-in, Welcome Drink & Food
11:30 AM炉边谈话 Fireside Chat with Tak Lo
12:30 PM自由讨论 & 社交环节 Drinks, Food & Networking Free flow beer is provided ;) 活动现场免费啤酒无限量供应 ;)


  • Rebecca Xie

    Startup Grind Beijing


  • Yami Sun

    Startup Grind Beijing



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