Innovation Unbound: AI Impact on Startups and Mature Industries

Mar 12, 4:30 – 7:00 PM


Inther Software Development, 33/1 Strada Bulgară, Chișinău, 2001

With key figures like Edmundas Balcikonis and Daniel Ray in attendance, 12th march event promises to be not only informative and enriching but also a vital meeting point for those looking to be at the forefront of AI.

In-person event
Fireside Chat

About this event

(EN) Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a trendy buzzword - it is rapidly reshaping how startups build, enhance, create, and configure their products and teams. The next generation of AI products is poised to change the world.

Let's talk about it:

  • The present and future of AI in product development
  • Generative AI x Software Engineering
  • Investment strategies around AI
  • How to build a world-class product team
  • Why all startups need an AI strategy

But that's not all! We've brought in two international titans in the AI field to share unique insights and experiences:

🌐 Edmundas Balcikonis - Co-Founder and CEO at Such Much AI in Lithuania - a consulting company in artificial intelligence and software development that helps businesses integrate AI technologies, such as Large Language Models, into their daily operations.

🌐 Daniel Ray - Director of Strategy at Muse Group, an AI expert from London, with a robust career in integrating technology into the innovative structures of startups.

Why be present? We're bringing an authentic touch of artificial intelligence directly from the international sphere, with two experienced speakers.

Event Agenda:

18:30 - 19:00 Check-in

19:00 - 20:00 Fireside chat with Edmundas Balcikonis & Daniel Ray

20:00 - 20:30 Q&A session

20:30 - ... Freestyle Networking

Join us on March 12th and discover why all startups need a robust AI strategy to thrive in the competitive landscape.

✅ Startup Grind Chisinau is the local pillar of the global Startup Grind community, launched in Moldova in 2016, organized by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Accelerator Dreamups to this day.

(RO) Inteligenta artificiala nu mai este doar un cuvant la moda - schimba rapid modul in care startup-urile construiesc, îmbunatatesc, creeaza si isi configureaza produsele si echipele. Urmatoarea generatie de produse AI va schimba lumea.

Hai sa vorbim despre asta:

  • Prezentul si viitorul AI in dezvoltarea de produse
  • Generative AI x Inginerie software
  • Strategii de investitii in jurul AI
  • Cum sa construiesti o echipa de produs de clasa mondiala
  • De ce toate startup-urile au nevoie de o strategie AI

Dar asta nu este tot! Am adus doi titani internationali in sfera AI pentru a impartasi insights si experiente unice:

🌐 Edmundas Balcikonis - Co- fondator si CEO la Such Much AI în Lituania - o companie de consultanta in inteligenta artificiala si dezvoltare software care ajuta afacerile sa integreze tehnologii AI.

🌐 Daniel Ray - Director Strategic la Muse Group, expert AI din Londra, cu o cariera solida in integrarea tehnologiei in structurile inovatoare ale startup-urilor.

De ce sa fii prezent? Pentru ca vom aduce o farama autentica de inteligenta artificiala direct din sfera internationala, cu doi speakeri cu experienta in domeniu.

Agenda evenimentului:

18:30 - 19:00 Check-in

19:00 - 20:00 Fireside chat with Edmundas Balčikonis & Daniel Ray

20:00 - 20:30 Q&A session

20:30 - … Freestyle Networking

Vino pe 12 martie si descopera de ce toate startup-urile au nevoie de o strategie AI solida pentru a prospera in peisajul competitiv.

✅ Startup Grind Chisinau este pilonul local al comunitatii globale Startup Grind, care s-a lansat in Moldova in 2016, organizat de Acceleratorul de Inovatii si Antreprenoriat Dreamups pana in prezent. 

Check out what happened



Tuesday, March 12, 2024
4:30 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


  • Aliona Rotaru


    Chapter Director

  • Kardo Sharifi

    Project Manager

  • Milena Obada


    Graphic Designer

  • Crina Burca

    Team Member

  • Irina Potinga


    Program Manager

  • Argentina Botezatu


    Marketing Manager

  • Gianina Tronciu


    Community Manager

  • Dmitri Namasco

    CEO Mozaic / Project Manager

  • Liliana Cimbir


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