SG with Joyce Zhang Gray: Find your first customers as a startup

Dec 8, 2023, 3:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)


Iusty Art Gallery, 3 Strada Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, Chişinău, 2005

Are you searching for the right customers for your startup and want to learn how to identify them in what seems like an infinite crowd? Then mark your calendar for December 8th when Startup Grind Chisinau invites you to an exceptional event, featuring the dynamic Joyce Zhang Gray, directly from California!

In-person event
Fireside Chat

About this event

(EN) 🚀 Are you on the hunt for the right customers for your startup or looking to learn how to stand out in an seemingly infinite crowd? Look no further—this event is tailored just for you! Bring your business cards and enthusiasm because on December 8, Startup Grind Chisinau invites you to an exceptional event!

With a career kickstarted in the midst of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Joyce Zhang Gray transformed challenges into opportunities, driving a fintech startup from newcomer status to unicorn. Later, she revolutionized social media through artificial intelligence and curated content.

Today, as the CEO of Alariss Global, she leads the global expansion market, connecting international tech companies with top local talents.

Learn directly from Joyce Zhang Gray:

1. Identifying Potential Clients: Joyce will share valuable insights from her entrepreneurial journey, providing practical tips on recognizing opportunities and connecting with those who share your vision.

2. Effective Customer Attraction Strategies: Explore innovative and time-tested tactics to grab attention and build strong customer relationships in the early stages of your business development.

3. Market Differentiation: Learn the secrets of standing out in a competitive environment and how to shape a brand that precisely attracts your target audience. 

 In addition to valuable knowledge, you'll have the opportunity to meet and connect with other passionate entrepreneurs and expand your network.

Event Date: December 8

Time: 17:00

Location: Iusty Art Gallery, Bogdan P. Hasdeu 3

Event Agenda:

17:00 - 17:20 Check-in

17:20 -18:30 Fireside chat with Joyce Zhang Gray and Vasile Valcov

18:30 - 19:00 Discussions and Q&A

❗️The Event is free! Hurry to secure your spot as the number of participants is limited. !

✅ Startup Grind Chisinau is the local pillar of the global Startup Grind community, which launched in Moldova in 2016, organized by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Accelerator Dreamups so far. 

🧩  Internationally, Startup Grind is recognized as one of the largest startup communities in the world, actively educating, inspiring and connecting 215,000 founders in over 200 cities through events, media and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs. 

✅  Startup Grind is organized by Dreamups, funded by the US Embassy in Moldova, and supported by the Future Technology Activities project, financed by USAID, Sweden, and UKaid.


(RO) 🚀 Esti in cautarea clientilor potriviti pentru startup-ul tau sau vrei sa afli cum sa-i distingi intr-o multime aparent infinita? Atunci acest eveniment este pentru tine!

Adu-ti cartile de vizita si entuziasmul, pentru ca pe 8 decembrie, Startup Grind Chisinau te invita la un eveniment de exceptie!

Cu o cariera inceputa in plina Criza Financiara Globala din 2008, Joyce Zhang Gray a transformat provocarile in oportunitati si a fost forta motrice in evolutia unui startup fintech de la stadiul de debutant la cel de unicorn. Astazi, ca CEO la Alariss Global, ea conduce piata globala de expansiune, conectand companiile de tehnologie internationale cu talentele locale de top.

Afla direct de la Joyce Zhang Grey:

1. Cum sa identifici clientii potentiali: Joyce va impartasi experientele ei valoroase din lumea antreprenoriatului, oferind sfaturi practice despre cum sa recunosti oportunitatile si sa te conectezi cu cei care iti impartasesc viziunea.

2. Strategii eficiente de atragere a clientilor: Vei explora tactici inovatoare, testate in timp pentru a atrage atentia si a construi relatii solide cu clientii in primele etape ale dezvoltarii afacerii tale.

3. Cum sa te diferentiezi pe piata: Afla secretele de a iesi in evidenta intr-un mediu competitiv si cum poti sa-ti conturezi un brand care sa atraga exact publicul tinta.

Pe langa cunostintele valoroase pe care le vei dobandi, vei avea oportunitatea sa cunosti si sa te conectezi cu alti antreprenori pasionati si sa-ti extinzi reteaua de contacte.

Data: 8 decembrie

Ora: 18:30

Locatia: Iusty Art Gallery, Bogdan P.Hasdeu 3

Agenda Evenimentului:

17:00 - 17:20 Ckeck-in

17:20 -18:30 Fireside chat cu Joyce Zhang Gray

18:30 - 19:00 Discutii si Q&A

❗️Evenimentul este gratuit! Grabeste-te sa iti asiguri locul, caci numarul de participanti este limitat! 

✅ Startup Grind Chisinau este pilonul local al comunitatii globale Startup Grind, care s-a lansat in Moldova in 2016, fiind organizat de Acceleratorul de Inovare si Antreprenoriat Dreamups pana in prezent. 

🧩 La nivel international, Startup Grind este recunoscut drept una dintre cele mai mari comunitati de startup-uri din lume, educand, inspirand si conectand activ 215.000 de fondatori in peste 200 de orase prin intermediul evenimentelor, media si parteneriatelor cu organizatii precum Google for Entrepreneurs. 

✅ Startup Grind este organizat de Dreamups, finantat de Ambasada SUA in Moldova si sustinut de proiectul Future Technology Activities, finantat de USAID, Suedia si UKaid.

Check out what happened



Friday, December 8, 2023
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


  • Liliana Cimbir



  • Gianina Tronciu


    Project Manager

  • Argentina Botezatu


    Marketing Manager

  • Irina Potinga


    Program Manager

  • Milena Obada


    Graphic Designer

  • Kardo Sharifi

    CEO Moonshot/Project Manager

  • Dmitri Namasco

    CEO Mozaic / Project Manager

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