Startup Grind Taipei #12: Bruce Chen (Founder & CEO, INSTO) & Hansen Goh (Co-founder, Pebby)

Dec 12, 2017, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM


iiiNNO, 4F 210, Bade Road Section 3, Taipei Taiwan [台北市八德路三段210號4樓], Taipei, 105

>Remember dot-com boom? Bruce Chen is a veteran of a Silicon Valley startup scene. His experience goes back to 1996 when he first joined SinaNet, which went public on NASDAQ in 2000. >Want to know what it feels to have not one, but two super successful crowdfunding campaigns? Learn from a fireside chat with Hansen Goh, co-founder of Sybo Tech Singapore and creator of Pebby. 想要從兩位超有經驗的創業的,近距離交流!

In-person event

About this event

Startup Grind is back in full swing. Join us in iiiNNO space on December 12th for a chat for 2 insightful fireside chats. 

We are bringing two entrepreneurs to talk about their experiences of growing companies, raising money, talking about the lure of Silicon Valley, and what lessons Taiwan entrepreneurs can apply in building their companies here in Taipei.

喜歡 Startup Grind 的朋友,不要錯過十二月的活動歐!! 我們將全力推動!!! 12/12 晚上我們很難得邀請到了兩位連續創業者來進行一場爐邊對談。


> Bruce Chen, INSTO 創辦人及執行長。1996就踏入了科技業,從新浪網的七號員工到台灣EBAY,現在透過INSTO實現以原創金融科技國際級的領先新創團隊。從美國出發,在台灣建構研發營運團隊,希望大家能看到台灣的能量。透過INSTO的APP或網站,買賣方可以容易訂出分期付款的方式及加購賣方保險,並協助更多賣方能增加銷售機會透過更有善及彈性的付款方式。

> Hansen Goh, Sybo Tech Singapore 共同創辦人 and creator of Pebby. Pebby是一個超級成功的Kickstarter給狗狗寵物玩的智慧遠端控制球。(

Check out what happened


  • Bruce Chen


    Founder & CEO

  • Hansen Goh

    Sybo Tech Singapore



Registration and Social
Fireside chat with Bruce Chen
Fireside chat with Hansen Goh
Event ends


  • Hung-Chih Liou

    Chapter Director


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