Josette Aggarwal started meditating at the age of five and has been practicing this satisfying process ever since that time. Aggarwal has dedicated herself to holding courses in the meditation practice of becoming one with the present moment for over 20 years.
Josette has worked globally with thousands of companies from all over the world to help employees realize the ultimate benefits of mediation -- in their personal lives and also in business. Most people have not realized that merely gaining even a novice level at meditation -- will be able to change their business perspective, open their minds, and calm and release their creativity. This development in oneself can be the key to massive success and growth-hacking ability. You will "free" what needs to be free in yourself.
By the show of hands, not many people in the audience had ever meditated before, but as Josette has learned from experience, “Anybody can meditate.” Josette asked the audience to first breathe, simply noticing if their breath is long or short, cool or warm, and relax into the breath.
People may believe that meditation is all about concentration, but Josette has learned and teaches that meditation is actually relaxing into yourself. Meditation is rather less about concentration and more about the ultimate “de-concentration.”
Aggarwal then instructed the audience to find their own natural rhythm of breathing. By not forcing anything, but just feeling this air -- you are beginning the process of meditation.
By allowing yourself to breathe, and momentarily focusing attention on breathing life and love into each individual part of your body, you can become mindful of your entire system of body, thought, and soul. Start with a amount small of time at first. Give yourself the freedom to experiment with what will work the best for you. Breathe in health and life. Let go of your breath, releasing fear, sadness and unease.
This growth and development of self does not have to be learned over night -- nor indeed can it be learned in one or two quick sessions. Meditation does not have to take over your life -- this is a gift you give to yourself and a piece of the puzzle that will help you make yourself and your business a priority.
Self-care will become more natural to you. Self-care can and should include meditation.