Innovation from above? CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the impact on the Fintech ecosystem

May 2, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Are Central Bank Digital Currencies going to become mainstream? Chengdu is one of the pilot cities to test this exciting new technology. We therefore invited Professor George Giaglis to go deeper into this new development. As a recognized expert & scholar in the field, he will share his insights about central banks strategies, East-West competition and new opportunities in the space!

Virtual event

About this event

Innovation from above? CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the impact on the Fintech ecosystem


Fintech has seen great disruptions in the past ten years. Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and now CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) should no longer be buzzwords, but rather commonly understood tools for moving and making money. In the past Startup Grind Chengdu events, we have dived into different coins and chains. This time, with China officially launching CBDC pilot projects, we are excited to have invited professor George Giaglis, expert and scholar in this field, to clear up some confusions once and for all and tap into a more advanced fintech world.

过去十年,金融科技经历了巨大变革。区块链、加密货币和央行数字货币都已不只是吸引眼球的时髦词汇,而是日常使用的交易工具和手段。成都创业磨坊过去的活动中,我们曾经讨论过多个“币”和“链”。而在中国官方发布央行数字货币试点项目的当下,我们荣幸地邀请到了George Giaglis教授,数字货币领域的知名专家学者,为我们拨开迷雾,带领我们初窥未来金融科技世界。


Interview Language: English

Event Platform: Zoom

Event Portal:

For those who register via Startup Grind website, we will send out a Zoom link on May 2nd at NOON sharp!

For those who register via Huodongxing, please be sure to scan the QR Codes and join our groups. We will verify your registration and provide event access also on May 2nd at NOON sharp!





如您通过Startup Grind官网报名,我们将在5月2日正午准时邮件通知活动链接!


About the topic 关于话题

With the launch of several Central Bank Digital Currency pilot projects in China, our goal is to give entrepreneurs, innovators, managers, students and more generally people interested in the cryptocurrency/blockchain space the keys to understand these new developments. Professeur George Giaglis will give us a philosophical, strategic and geopolitical view of the ramifications of these pilot projects in the blockchain/cryptocurrency space. Be one of the first to have actionable insights about this new trend!

时值中国官方发布了多个央行数字货币项目试点项目的当下,我们希望帮助创业者、投资人、管理者、相关学科的学生和研究者,以及对加密货币/区块链感兴趣的其他听众理解相关领域的最新发展动向。George Giaglis教授将以形而上的、战略性的、地缘政治敏感的视角,带给我们对加密货币/区块链领域未来的展望。和我们一起领先一步吧!

Potential questions 可能聊到的问题

  • What is CBDC, compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether?
  • 较之比特币和以太币,什么是央行数字货币
  • China launched the first pilot CDBC with some cities and banks. What about other countries? 
  • 中国官方发布了多个央行数字货币项目试点,其他国家处在哪个阶段?
  • Comparing Europe to China’s approaches to digital currencies. What are the potential impacts on the two regions?
  • 对比中欧的虚拟货币策略部署,对于两个地缘有哪些方面的影响?
  • How will CDBC affect the global currency and their influences, e.g. RMB vs USD?
  • 央行数字货币将如何促进国际货币的价值和影响力,例如人民币pk美元?
  • Are there new opportunities for startups to follow the disruption? Examples? 
  • 在这种变革的局面中,对创业者有什么新契机吗?

About Institute for the Future at UNIC

The Institute for the Future (IFF), University of Nicosia. is a cross-disciplinary research institute founded by the University of Nicosia to explore how exponential technologies, like Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, influence our economy and society. IFF supports academic programs (MSc Digital Currency), professional training, research and conferences (e.g. Decentralized) to prepare students, business leaders and policy makers for the coming changes.

The Institute for the Future (IFF)是The University of Nicosia创建的一个多学科研究学院,专注于研究如区块链和人工智能这样具有指数型增长潜力的科技将会如何影响我们的经济和社会。IFF提供学术课程、专业训练、研究课题和学术会议(如Decentralized)来帮助学生、商业领袖和政策制定者做好准备,应对变局。

Check out what happened


  • George Giaglis

    Institute for the Future, University of Nicosia.

    Executive Director



Saturday, May 2, 2020
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM UTC


Brief Intro of Startup Grind Chengdu
Fireside Chat with Prof. Giaglis
Q and A
Wrap-up and thank you


  • Chloe Zhong

    Easygo business consulting

    Chapter Director

  • Xolisile Sithole

    Ceeds Consulting

    Strategic Partnerships

  • Alex Rivera

    Geeksy Studio

    Community Advisor

  • Jody Huang

    Business Development Manager

  • Raquel Ramirez


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