Ecosystem Crosstalk with Dr. Dan Young

Jul 1, 2021, 6:00 – 10:00 PM

New Orleans

The Shop, 900 Camp st., New Orleans, 70130

We are hosting this very special event with startup Grind Wilmington chapter director Dr. Dan Young while he is in New Orleans for Essence Festival. The event will consist of 30 minute meetings with New Orleans entrepreneurs and Dr. Young where they discuss ways new ways to collaborate. To reserve a time slot with Dr. Young go to:

In-person event

About this event

We are hosting this very special event with startup Grind Wilmington chapter director Dr. Dan Young while he is in New Orleans for Essence Festival. The event will consist of 30 minute meetings with New Orleans entrepreneurs and Dr. Young where they discuss ways new ways to collaborate.

To reserve a time slot with Dr. Young you will have to sign up for the startup grind event first then

go to:

Dr. Dan Young is the Founding Director of the Doctor of Business Administration Program at Goldey-Beacom College and is the curator of TEDxWilmington, which is in the top 1% of all TEDx franchises in the country with over 477 speakers and 38 million views on YouTube. He also founded TEDxGoldeyBeacomCollege, TEDxDover, TEDxWilmingtonUniversity and TEDxHarlem. Dan received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Marketing from the University of Delaware’s Honors Program and his Ph.D. in Marketing from Temple University. He has done entrepreneurship and executive leadership programs with the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Oxford. He has been an instructor at Temple University, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, the University of Delaware and Wilmington University. Dan has served on the Boards of many local organizations and currently serves as the President of Theatre N at Nemours, a member of the Board of Governors for the University and Whist Club, and an advisory Board MEmber for the Fresh Start program.

Check out what happened


  • Dr. Dan Young

    Startup Grind

    Chapter Director



Thursday, July 1, 2021
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC


Meeting with New Orleans presenters
Event wrap up


  • James Guenther

    StartupGrind New Orleans

    Chapter Director


  • James Guenther

    Startup Grind New Orleans Chpater

    New Orleans Director


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