Protecting your startup from malicious hackers can be similar to protecting your king from the enemy’s attacks in a game of chess. The similarity can begin with the way a chess grandmaster moves nimbly on the board with intent. He or she employs tactics (“short-term calculations to accomplish goals”) and a strategy (a long-term plan) not only to protect the pieces but also to capture the enemy.
If you are a novice founder, include cybersecurity in the list of things you need to establish in your first year. There is no reason to delay dealing with this issue. Avoid making the mistake of ignoring the challenges surrounding it. And make sure you tackle it with the mindset of a top chess player.
Here are 5 ways to help you get started:
Think ahead and plan
A cyberattack can halt your operations not only for days but for good. According to the US National Cyber Security Alliance, 60% of small companies closed within 6 months of a cyber attack.
The demise of Code Spaces, a source code hosting provider, serves now as a classic example. Hackers were able to gain access to its Amazon EC2 control panel and started to ask for a large sum in exchange of recovery.
When Code Spaces did not comply, the attackers deleted most of its data and other resources. The then seven-year-old startup was forced to shut down its services.
So think again. Shopping and setting up the best tools to improve your company’s security do not seem to be as high a priority as UX and product design. But you cannot risk losing your whole business because of a security crisis. Besides, clients today worry about online security as much as they fuss over system lags.
Master the opening, mid, and endgame strategies
Similar to the first, this point is about having a long-term plan regarding your startup security. It is not enough to say, “Okay, let’s try this service and see how it works.” Then you just replace it when it fails. For instance, two computer engineers identified vulnerabilities in 17 Indian startups collectively worth more than $10 billion. They concluded that “almost every startup here has security bugs.” It does not matter if you are one or 6 years old.
So how do you go about this as you are approaching 5, 10, or more years? Even Facebook has established a Bug Bounty Program. Planning to launch a mobile app soon? Set up security parameters early on. Or you will only make yourself more vulnerable than you think.
Be on the offensive and the defensive
In chess as in business, it is important to know who your enemies are. When it comes to cybersecurity, gone are the days when potential enemies would be disorganized and lack sophisticated tools to launch a devastating attack. From the get-go, you should concern yourself with protecting your organization from this kind of threat.
By playing the offensive, you are attempting to understand the plays and approaches of the attackers. You are also setting out to find your own vulnerabilities. Only after being on the offensive will you be able to develop barriers and fight off these malicious hackers.
Concentrate your efforts as an executive
Cybersecurity is a growing area of focus not only for businesses but also for governments. Even international organizations are treating it as a prominent issue. As a startup founder, it is not enough to leave it to the CIO. Take the time to look at online security, its nuances, and the changes surrounding it. Be a driving force, not just a signature on the budget approval form. Give your full support to the tech team members as they constitute an important aspect of your business.
Learn and outgrow yourself
Speaking of support, allocate resources for training your tech team. Encourage your employees to update their knowledge and skills by attending industry conferences and taking crash courses. Your security department should remain solid as hackers also make advances in their attacks. You depend on them as much as you do on the system they are in charge of protecting.
Aside from human resources, invest in infrastructure. Make sure you have the latest tools that will help you beat potential offenders.